What is this place where some have been
Where children forgotten will go
One step past life and one before death
A room in the dark neither high nor low.
All sound is lost in an echo
What you feel you cannot express
The songs of the lonely will weaken and die
As they drift slowly into howeverness.
There is only one key that will open the door
And with it we've all been blessed
The key is emotion, the emotion of love
The only path out of howeverness.
Even though you've not been there dwindle awhile
Let empathy show you the way
To keep the children in love with life
And in their hearts your memory will stay
What is the place where some have been
Where children remembered will miss
One step past life and one before death
This empty room of howeverness.
Suzanne M. Kelly
Copyright © 1992-2024 Suzanne M Kelly