There are a myriad of worlds but one thought from which they grew
Its Law is order, which cannot swerve
Its creatures are many and all free to choose
The path to the One from which they were
All disorder they create,
Which in itself is pain
Then woe and hate and fear come forth
>From recognition they remain
Yet the great one is a golden light
It's not remote but near
Hold thyself within its glow
And behold all things clear
With all thy breathing being
One thing must be known
With thine own thought all came to be
With thine own thought all will be known.

>From this disorder of imposed misery
Will arise an order of Peace
For man must create the grand repose
And cause disunity to cease
For his hearts desire cannot be robbed
All beauty and splendor he's known
The power is his to stand within light
And draw to himself his own
Let pass through your mind what you would desire
Take heed it will harm no man
Meditate then on the wish of the heart
And create all that one can acquire...

Suzanne M. Kelly

Copyright © 1992-2024 Suzanne M Kelly